Saturday, September 18, 2004

I'm Eight Weeks Old!

I've been living with Mommy and Daddy for two weeks now. I like it here. Daddy is coming around. He told Mommy that he loves me even if I am a Chihuahua. Daddy likes big dogs like German Shepherds. I'm a big dog, I just happen to be in a little body. Got to make Daddy understand that I can do anything a big dog can do, only better!

Mommy's a little frustrated with me. She thinks I should potty in the litter box like Dolly and Oliver, but, geez Louise! I'm a dog! I have fun digging in the litter box Mommy fixed for me though. Mommy's starting taking me outside to potty, but I'd rather potty in the house. Hee hee! I try to help Mommy when she cleans up after me. I chase the rags she cleans the floor with and make sure they don't get away from her. I'm a big help! At least, that's what Mommy says.

I don't go outside much yet. Mommy says I'm too little to go out without a harness and leash. We live in a condo and don't have yard and Mommy has to pick up after me. The harness Mommy got for me is too big! It's the smallest she could find, and I helped her adjust it to make it smaller, at least I tried to help, but it's still a little too big. But, I'll grow into it. Sooner than Mommy thinks!

Daddy used Mommy's van the other day when he went to the doctor. So before they left to take Mommy to work, they put me in the crate. I hate it! I cried and whined, but they left me alone! It seemed like hours and hours before Daddy got back. He said it was only an hour, but I don't think so! Then, he left again and was gone longer. It must have been days! I'm not really sure, because I went to sleep. I was tired from crying to get out. Dolly and Oliver wouldn't help me. Something about not having opposable thumbs and that if I were in the crate, I wouldn't bother them and they could eat my food. That's okay. I'll eat their food when I get hungry. Ha!

When Daddy went to get Mommy at work, he put me back in my crate, but this time he took me with him. I slept most of the way. I was still sleepy when Mommy came out to the van. I was excited to see her, but I was still sleepy. Mommy took me out of the crate and held me all the way home. I liked that alot. And I like riding in the van. When Mommy holds me, I can see out the window.

When we got home, Mommy put me down on the ground. Wow! That driveway is hot! So I stayed in the grass and sniffed around. There were so many new smells! And not one of them Dolly or Oliver. They aren't allowed out. And they're too lazy to go out anyway. Now, me, I'm the explorer type. I want to explore the yard and see what's outside the house. Mommy says one day we'll have a house with a real, fenced in yard where I can run and play.

Sunday, September 12, 2004


I don't know anything about September 11, except that it was yesterday. Mom was looking around the blogosphere and thought this would be a good site for me to recommend to my readers. Since it's about rescue dogs of course it should be on this page.

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Who I Am

My name is Wyatt and I am a Chihuahua. You might think I'm very smart to be able to create my own blog when I am only six weeks old, but I am a very smart dog. Mommy named me Wyatt because it means "little warrior." Little? I'm just little in size, but I'm a big dog inside!

I should tell you what I look like. I'm short-haired and tan with white markings. I've got big brown eyes and my ears kind of flop over. I'm not sure yet if they will stand up when I get bigger, but if not, it's okay. I'm not gonna be one of those silly show dogs anyway. I'm gonna be a pet! That's much better. Daddy laughs when I walk because I kind of prance, but he doesn't know that I do that to make him laugh. Sometimes I'm a little unsteady on my feet and fall down. I backup really good, though.

I came to my new home on Friday, September 3rd. I had seven brothers and one sister. All but one brother and sister had found new homes when my brother Buc and I left for our new homes on Friday. I hope they find good homes like we did.

My new Mommy and Daddy seem to be nice. Mommy said I wasn't any bigger than a minute, but I am too! I might be small now, but I'll get bigger. I met Mommy where she works and she introduced me to some of the people she works with. Lisa talked to me and scratched my head. I got to run around Mommy's office, but it was new to me, so I didn't want to get too far from Mommy. And, I was kind of tired after that long ride. Buc wanted to play but I was kind of sad leaving my furmom and didn't want to play much.

Mommy bought a new harness for me. She said that because I have a delicate throat she didn't want to put a collar on me. She got the smallest harness she could find, but it's way too big! I heard her tell Daddy that she wasn't sure I would ever grow into it. I'll fool her! I'll eat my food and grow big and strong.

Mommy put me into a crate and took me home. I whined and she took me out of the crate and held me on the way home. It wasn't easy for her to drive like that, so when we got into more traffic, she put me back in my crate. She said it would be safer because she needed both hands. She's good at explaining things. I already learned about traffic, and that I should never run into the street because Mommy doesn't want me to get hurt.

When we got home, I met Daddy. He's huge! Mommy's way bigger than me, but Daddy's even bigger. He scared me a little, but I'm a Chihuahua, so I had to be brave. Mommy held me so Daddy could say hello. Mommy had already told me that Daddy didn't really like Chihuahua's, so I have to teach Daddy that Chihuahua's are the best dogs, even if we are small. Daddy thinks Chis are yippy, yappy ankle biters, but Mommy says that's because dogs who act like that aren't properly trained or socialized. Mommy said I have to learn to be a good watch dog and let them know when someone comes to the door, but to quit barking when they tell me to stop. What's barking? When I met Daddy, I could tell that he wasn't too thrilled to see me, but I could also tell that he likes dogs. So, I'll do my best to win him over. I know I like him already. He's big and will protect me.

Mommy and Daddy have two big cats. Wow! These cats are about 4 times bigger than me. Dolly came and sniffed at me. I think we'll get along just fine. Oliver, though, might be a different story. He growls and hisses at me. He doesn't scare me though. Not much, anyway. When he finds out how smart I am, and realizes just how cute I am, he'll come around.

This is a big house! And I have my own room! Well, it's the crate Mommy brought me home in, but it's mine. Dolly and Oliver aren't allowed in my room, but I'm not allowed in their sleeping box either. They take turns sleeping in a box with towels in it. They seem to like it, but, I have my own room with a blanket and a hot water bottle and a bowl of water and my toys. Did I tell you Mommy got me toys? I have a ball and a kong and a nylabone to chew on. Mommy said she would get me more toys soon, but it would have to wait until after the hurricane. I wonder what a hurricane is?

I spent most of the evening exploring the house. I got to see Mommy's office. Well, it's really a spare room, but Mommy has a computer there so they call it "the office" even though Mommy doesn't work at home. Not the kind of work where she can make money anyway. Daddy has a computer in the living room. I wasn't sure what a computer was a first, but I think I've got it figured out. Did I tell you what a smart dog I am?
Mommy put me in my crate (she calls it my room) and took me into the bedroom with her when she went to bed. She put a hot water bottle covered in her pillowcase in my room. It smelled like Mommy so I was happy. I spent most of the night in my room, but I got lonesome and hungry about 400 am. I know what time it was because I heard Mommy and Daddy talking about the time. Mommy thought I might be hungry even though she had fed me last night. So I ate some puppy food and then I wanted to play. I also peed on the kitchen floor, but Mommy didn't get mad she just cleaned it up. Mommy told me that she wants me to learn to use a litter box when I have to potty. I'm not sure about that. I'm a dog and dogs potty outside, but I'll try. Mommy said she read a book about Chihuahuas and the book said we are smart enough to learn to use a litter box. Mommy also said that if I potty outside, I'll have to go out in the rain and in cold weather, so maybe a litter box isn't such a bad idea. I'm smart, so it shouldn't be hard.

On Saturday morning, Mommy fed me and then showed me the litter box she fixed for me. It's just my size. I had already seen the one Dolly and Oliver use. It has high sides and I'm not sure I could get into it right now. Maybe when I get bigger, but right now, I'm not sure. All day long, everytime I needed to potty, Mommy would put me in the litter. I want to please Mommy, but when I gotta go, I gotta go! When I finally peed in the litter, Mommy told me what I good boy I am and hugged and kissed me. I like being a good boy!

I know something else I like: licking and biting Mommy's toes! It's fun to see her wiggle her toes when I lick them! Daddy lets me chew on his fingers. Wow! They are big! I think Daddy likes me a little more. I heard him tell Mommy I was cuter than he expected. I'll have to work hard to really win him over. Daddy has a sore on his leg and Mommy has to change the dressing twice a day, so while Mommy was changing the dressing I sat on his chest and played with him. I think he liked it because when Mommy was done, she was taking me into the living room so Daddy could sleep (this was early in the morning when I was whining for Mommy to feed me), Daddy said he didn't want Mommy to take me with her. But she explained to me that if Daddy rolled over on me while he was sleeping, I'd be flat as a tortilla. I'm Mexican, so I know what a tortilla is. I don't want to be that flat!

Mommy clipped my toenails today. They were getting too long and I was scratching her when I played. Mommy was a little nervous because she's never clipped a dog's toenails before, but she did a good job. She only hurt me once and stopped right away. Daddy had to hold me while she clipped the nails on my back legs. I don't like being on my back and squirmed too much, so Daddy held me up while Mommy clipped my nails. It was nice being held by Daddy. I felt safe. Mommy found a flea and tick on me and took them off right away. She looked me over real good and thinks they are all gone.

Mommy took a nap this afternoon and I crawled up and slept on her shoulder. She didn't know I was there because I was on her chest when she fell asleep. She jumped when I licked her ear. That was funny! So I bit her ear too! Mommy laughed and took me off her shoulder and petted me and said I was a silly dog.

Mommy tied a knot in one of her socks and gave it to me to play with. She told me a could chew on it all I wanted, but I wasn't to chew on anything she or Daddy didn't give me. It's gonna be hard because I like to chew! But the sock smells like Mommy, so I like it.

When I want to nap I either go into my room or sleep on Mommy. She couldn't type on the computer, but figured out she could pull her t-shirt into a pouch, so I could sleep with her and she could use both hands. It's the best of both worlds. I get to be with Mommy and Mommy gets to be with me and type at the same time.

I've got a nice house to live in, food when I get hungry, a room of my own, Mommy and Daddy to take care of me, and Dolly and Oliver to play with. Well, to win over first. But I think I'll like this new life. I have lots to learn, but I'm a smart dog and lots of time to learn.

I'll post from time to time to let you know how I'm doing. I'll also put links in the sidebar for other blogs or sites I like. I'll even link to Mommy's blog so you can see what she writes about me.

See you later!